Tuesday 11 May 2010

Audience Feedback;

After i have finished my final piece i thought it would be worthwhile asking a few of my friends to come and view my film and then give me some feedback on what they thought was good and back about it. The reason for me asking a group of my friends was that they are of the correct age group that we are targeting, rather than choosing a group of people who wouldn't be interested at all.

One of the most common things that came up as being a positive about the production was how good the use of different camera shots were along with the acting. They said that the wide range of camera angles made the film more interesting and made them want to watch the whole film rather than just using a few shots which would have made it extremely boring to watch. Also, everyone said they really liked the choice of music as it really fitted with the film.

Someone said that the camera should of been steadier thoughout the production. However, we did this this to make it look as if someone was following 'Rose' rather than just having someone standing around filming her, but this may be something we consider changing next time. One thing we would definatley do if we were to shot the film again would be to put the music on a loop so that it cuts out the lyrics as someone said that it didn't fit the film and this is an issue that can be easily solved!

All of the above audience feedback is very useful as i will then be able to look through the film again and pick out the things that i would change if i was to shot it again. Also, it will be very helpful towards the next production that i shot as i will have these things in mind making it better and better each time. This was a very worthwhile thing to do as it helped me get the views of our 'target audience'.