Friday 26 February 2010


When we had finished filming all of our footage we then uploaded it onto the computer so that we were able to see how the shots came out.
Once we looked through the shots we had filmed, we decided which shots would work well and which didn't look very good.
This then left us with a list of shots that we thought needed to be re-filmed. Before we went out to re-shot we decided to put all of shots into a film and decide which music would work well and what transitions etc, that we should use to make the shots flow better.
After this we looked at the different songs that would work well with our film, the list of songs that we came up with were;

Closer - Kings Of Leon
This song worked well with our film as it fits perfectly with the sense of wonder that we wanted to create as well as having no lyrics.

Said It All - Take That
This is also a slow song that we considered to work well with our film, until we played it along with our film and then found out that it wouldn't work as we thought it would.
Another reason for not choosing this song is that the lyrics start very early on in the film unlike 'Closer'.

Change - Daniel Merriweather
Due to the fact that we were going for a sense of wonder, this song was to up beat and didn't fit with our film at all.

Use Somebody - Kings Of Leon
We decided to look at another of Kings Of Leon's as 'Closer' works so well. However, this song didn't work because it was too up beat for the opening of our film.

After looking at songs for the part of our film in the woods, we also needed to look for a song that worked with the rave scenes in the film. This meant looking through a range of more up beating/dance songs. We then came up with these songs;

Tarantula - Pendulum
We looked at this song as we knew that Pendulum produce the correct genre of music. However, this song was too slow throughout for the scene that we wanted to use it in.

Warriors Dance - The Prodigy
This is the song that we have chosen to use in our production as it fits really well and compliments the action in this scene.

We decided that the two songs we were going to use for our film are;
Closer - The Kings of Leon
Warriors Dance - The Prodigy
After making the decision that these songs worked well within our film, we then had to e-mail their record labels and ask them if it was okay for us to use them. Above you can see the e-mail that we sent to Sony, asking if we could use Kings of Leon in our production.

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