Friday 26 February 2010


Sunday 31st January;

On Sunday we decided to film the main part of our film in the woods located near Layla-Jay's house. We all met at 11 o'clock to go and start shooting from the story board that we had already drawn out.

We kept referring back to our story board to see which shots we needs to shot. However, when it came to some shots we were unable to film them as we would of liked which meant that we had to re-think how we were going to shot some of the shots.

One shot in particular that caused some difficulty shooting was a pan of Rose (Sophie) from above to make her look vulnerable. While trying to do this shot we had to try and find a way of circling her without making it look badly filmed. This meant that we had to try and use other methods to try and make it work as we had imagined them to work.

Another shot that we had difficulty shooting was a high angle shot of Rose (Sophie) running from what she thought she was being followed by, but once we were on set we found out that it wouldn't be as easy to shot as we had originally thought. We had planned to shoot this shot from a tree so that it would be a good angle to shot from. However, when we started filming we didn't really think about the position of the trees around us which meant that when we finished shooting the shots before, we ended up in a part of the woods with no trees around for us to film from, so we had to improvise and re shoot the shot before allowing us to film the next shot from a tree.

Overall, the filming went well which meant that we were able to get it all done to a good standard, hopefully meaning that we won't need to re-shot anything.

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