Friday 26 February 2010

Mind Maps & Ideas

After watching a range of different film openings it was then up to us to create our own story line. So the first step we took towards this was to create a mind map including all off the different elements that need to be considered.

Once we had created a mind map including all of the aspects that we could include within our production, it was then up to us to make the decisions about what we were going to include. We have to think about this carefully about what we are going to include as viewers will make their decision as to whether they want to carry on watching the rest of the film within the first few minutes.
Disregarded ideas;
There was a range of different genres that we could chose from which meant that the decision was harder. However, due to the fact that we had a very small budget it made our decision slightly easier as we then had to think about what would look good even though we had no money to spend on the set/stunt men etc. This meant that a comedy film would be quite hard for us to produce at a good enough standard as they usually include a lot of props and take a long time to make. Also, comedy films are very subjective because everyone has a different sense of humour, which meant that our film opening could be a complete disaster. Romance was another option that we considered however we didn't have any males that wanted to act in our production which then narrowed down our options to doing a horror/thriller.

Once we had chosen the Genre of film we were going to use we then had to decide where we were going to shot our film. The main reason for not choosing to shot our film within the school was that we didn't think it really fitted the Genre that we had chosen. Houses are usually used for happy films, romance and sometimes comedy which meant that it wasn't going to fit the Genre we had chosen. This then left us with the idea of using the woods to shot of film which we decided would be the best place and would fit our chosen Genre perfectly.

We decided against using an older male to act in our film as it would portray the wrong image and wouldn't fit with the ideas we already had for our production. We needed the character to look innocent and vulnerable as we have chosen a horror/thriller film. If we had chosen a male actor we wouldn't have been able to create the correct image as they are more likely to be able to stand up for themselves.

When thinking about the sound we should use within our production we quickly decided against putting dialogue in our film as we already had a vague idea of what the plot of our film was going to be. After watching Train Spotting we thought about using a monologue in our film. However, after thinking about this for longer and more in depth we realised that this would be very hard to make it work well, so we went against using this idea. This then left us with using fitting music to help set the scene along with sound effects such as; foot steps & heavy breathing.

Chosen ideas;
The genre that we have chosen to use is Thriller/Horror. We have chosen this genre as we thought that it would allow us to use a range of different skills in which we have learnt though out the year. Also, we thought that this genre is more likely to appeal to a large audience rather than limiting it by choosing a chick flick or a comedy for example.

We have chosen to set part of our film in the Woods and the other part of our film in a Club. The reason for this is to make our production more mysterious and keep the viewers interested in what is going to happen next. The woods are where most of the film is going to be shot as we decided as a group that this would be the most appropriate place to film and emphasise the sense of vulnerability that we are trying to portray. The rest of the shots are going to be filmed within a club as we thought that this would be the most likely place for someone's drink to get drugged if they are out in a crowed place.

A young female is the character that we decided to go with in the end. The main reason for this due to the typical stereotypes that females are weaker than males. This is an important factor in our film as alot of it in based around the main character being very vulnerable. This will help to create the correct atmosphere for the film that we are producing.

We have chosen to use no dialogue within our production so this means that we will need to think long and hard about the music we are going to include. We need to make sure that the music we choose fits well with the story we are trying to portray to the viewers. Also, making a film with no dialogue leaves the viewers to make their own mind up about what is going on and may create a sense of confusion making them want to watch it for longer to find out what is going on.
Adding sound effects will help to remind the viewer that the main character is being watched as they will be able to hear heavy breathing and foot steps. This well emphasise the sense of vulnerability and mystery.

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