Friday 26 February 2010

Potential Shots

Before we started to film our production we thought as a group that it would be worth while, to take the time and see what some of the shots would look like;

This is an extreme close up that we tried out before using in our film. We found that this shot worked well for what we wanted to use it for because it allows us to show the emotion on Sophie's face which is important for the situation in which she is in.
This shot is going to be used at the start of the film when she wakes up from her first flash back.

Another shot we thought it would be necessary to try out was this over the shoulder shot so that we could see whether the shot looked better with or without the should in the shot. We thought that the shot looked better with the shoulder in the shot, however in the circumstances that we were using the shot we thought it would be more sensible to film the shot without the should in the shot.
This shot would of been used when Sophie was running through the woods which meant that it would make it really hard to keep the should at the same place in the shot at all times. Also, another reason for us going against using this shot is that throughout the film we have planned to keep the viewers guessing as to what it is that is following Sophie, or whether it is just her imagination playing tricks on her due to her drink being drugged.
This high angle shot looked as good as we were hoping it to as we really wanted to use it to show that Sophie is vulnerable. This is important as we want to viewers to know that she is lonely and scared.
Another reason that we were pleased that this shot worked out was that it gives the impression that she is being watched by someone/something and this is what we wanted the viewers to think.

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